After discounting for rises in consumer prices , the average wage rate decreased by 0 . 1 per cent in real terms 扣除消费物价的变动后,平均工资实际下降0
Based on the wage indices , the average wage rate for this group fell by 0 . 2 per cent in money terms , but increased by 4 . 9 per cent in real terms , compared with the same period of 1998 根据工资指数,这个行业组别的平均工资与一九九八年同期比较,以货币计算下降了0 . 2 % ,以实质计算则增加了4 . 9 % 。
The average wage rate for employees up to the supervisory level , including daily - rated and monthly - rated employees , fell by 0 . 8 per cent in money terms between september 1998 and september 1999 一九九八年九月至一九九九年九月期间,督导级或以下级别日薪及月薪雇员的平均工资,以货币计算下降了0 . 8 % 。
The average wage rate for employees up to the supervisory level , including daily - rated and monthly - rated employees , increased by 2 . 2 per cent in money terms between september 1997 and september 1998 一九九七年九月至一九九八年九月期间,督导级或以下级别日薪及月薪雇员的平均工资,以货币计算增加了2
In september 1998 , the average monthly wage rate for the supervisory , technical , clerical and miscellaneous non - production workers in the wholesale , retail and importexport trades , restaurants and hotels sector was $ 11 , 833 . based on the wage indices , the average wage rate for this group increased by 1 . 3 per cent in money terms , or a decrease of 1 per cent in real terms , compared with the same period of 1997 一九九八年九月,批发零售业、进出口贸易和饮食及酒店业的管理级工人、技术人员、文员,以及各类非生产工人的平均月薪为11 , 833元,与一九九七年同期比较,以货币计算增加了1